So today
...was better, masha'allah. No screaming, no tantrums. He wasn't as tired as yesterday and I kept him well fed :) masha'allah. Plus I think I am noticing some real frustration that he just wants to be *listened* to right to the end of his sentence without his Dad butting in. Once he's said his piece and knows he has been fully heard he seems happy. But I think food helps his mood a lot.
Hm. What else. Mum rattled on about getting her new bathroom. I can't feign interest and just grunt, "you can give *me* your money if you can't think of owt to do wid it except buy something you've already got" which wasn't the girly response of "what colour will it be" that she was after.
I need to start finding some good Islamic books/resources for Boss. Hubby good at telling him stories, but I'm pretty clueless. I just tell him general aphorisms, which he likes to think about. Like the other day I was saying how Allah dislikes people who raise their voices and the Qur'an describes the noise of people who nag and shout like "the braying of an ass" and actually even the angels will leave a house which contains friction. So today he said (when I raised my voice a *teeny* bit... *teeny* honestly) "Mummy, don't shout! Muslims don't shout, Muslims don't talk like dat. Allah is angry with you now!" Which kinda put a fresh perspective on it mid-rant. So I need to start telling him other stories which might make an impression. He is currently in awe of the Cinerella saga and wants Aladdin and the Jinn story pronto.
I am also fed up with selfish people an apart from my darling Hubby I am surrounded by them. I was thinking the other day that if I hadn't met my hubby and his family I would be very much convinced that such goodness in the world was fictional. I am sure it is the same everywhere else too, in "industrialised" areas. There is something about urbanisation which robs people of their humanity, but poor people - people in rural areas or people who have suffered are so much more in touch with their humanity. I am glad I have met such people to convince me of this; much of the anomie and nihilism in the world I am sure is based on the meaninglessness of material aquisition at the expense of the virtues...
I have a craving for roast chicken. My Mum's roast chicken dinners actually. *sigh* Polos just aren't cutting it anymore. I want roast chicken with all the trimmings and I can't be bothered to cook it, and my dear Hubby would just turn it into a curry as he has no conception that you can cook any meal without ginger or chillies... and I wish those ready-roasted chicken from the supermarkets were halal *sobs bitterly*...
*hmmmmmmmm chicken.......*
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