Friday, March 04, 2005


JUST found out that Lemsip contains aspartame. Frigging wonderful news thankyou ever so much for putting that in really extra tiny print that I failed to notice on first seven inspections. Great. Wonderful. No need to panic. I'm only pregnant.


At 9:01 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Well there was actually... all medication has that sign on - I don't think I want that poison in my body if I wasn't preggers *sigh*

Oh well. Done now. *Shrugs*

How was AWorld then? Froze your bits off? Told you it would be cold today... I have a human barometer here...

At 10:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Debs, Mashallah didn't know ur expecting - Mubarak! When's it due then?

By the way call me ignorant but what is ASPARTAME anyway, i've always wondered!

At 10:29 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Aspartame is a synthetic "sweetner" also known as NutraSweet and other brand titles. It's a wood alcohol poison concoction which has found to cause brain cancer, vertigo, hypertension, death and birth defects. Google the term and do some reading then DON'T EAT IT EVER AGAIN. It's really rather frightening what can pass into our food chain as "food"...

13th June btw


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