Thursday, October 20, 2005

Anybody know....

...about this Child Trust Fund thingy and how I can invest the £250 without all the riba that comes along with it. Or is that impossible. Or am I just crap with money. Or should I just shred the cheque up? Banks not helpful in answering questions - they just give you an info pack and say "all the questions are answered in there". They are wrong.



At 2:45 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

but it's still their haqq innit?

At 8:43 pm, Blogger shukr said...

ooooooooops, chucked 'mine' - too much to think about without something like that to try and get brain around. i did read it all, thought it sounded dodgy and binned it.
actually, i recently read that if guardian/ parent doesn't invest it, then gov does for the child - hmmmm, *very* interesting, eh! wonder who is benefitting?
and isn't it only valid to invest until child 12 months old - then you've lost your slot?


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