And the photos
The grand entrance
The grand entrance again and a nobody who I have just made world famous pushing her pram... sorry about that
The dead emaciated bloke wavering above the altar, ready to frighten the crap out of all preschoolers
Side chapel. Lovely windows
We liked this
Another side chapel. Lots of candles. Very pretty
Ceiling detail.
A model of our fair Cathedral out of what looked like matchsticks. He was by this point chewing his fist with excitement.
The tree. *stoping myself from launching into a tirade against non-Christian influences permeating a tradition which itself states in its own holy book that such a practice is outlawed as a pagan herecy whilst remembering I am no longer a Christian and I don't have to care about it anymore. Hurrah* Very pretty none-the-less
And finally, the Ostheimer play figures who make diesel noises and brake-screaching sounds when propelled at full speed by a three year old who has yet to learn the delicate art of how to handle a Christian artefact
Thus endeth the lesson.
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