Monday, February 28, 2005

Woe is me!

Well the good news is he didn't puke during the night! Bonus. The bad news is he still has snot. The even worse news is that so do I now - I feel like death warmed up, hardly slept all night am completely crabbier than I usually am and my poor boy who needs some TLC from his Mummy is getting Godzilla. On speed.

Usually I would just dope myself up with Lemsip and co-codomol but seeing as that isn't an option any more I will just have to inflict my misery on my undeserving family instead.


At 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it the snot that made him sick do you think???
do you fancy using homeopathic remedies?

At 1:13 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I think I have a bit of the flu - you know my teeth are throbbing, how's that possible??

At 8:28 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

*Debbie and Merry collapse into a self-pitying snot heap on the floor and wait for our knight's in shining armour to save us* then take a lemsip and get on with it AS USUAL.



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