Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelebrate good times COME ON
*Sniff* Can you smell what I smell?? *Sniff* Could it be *Sniff sniff* the smell of SPRING in the air?? Well whatever it is - what a day! For the first time in six months I managed to put washing on my washing line. Woo Hoo. Do you know how excited that makes me?? No, of course you don't because you all have lives, but for me this is better than, like, a thousand Eids all rolled into one - washing on the washing line, life just doesn't get any better than THAT.
So, with all this drying power at my finger tips I washed just about everything that wasn't nailed down or on fire, my next load in and ready to spin first thing a.m. LET'S ROCK.
On an altogether different note Boots have a number of mark-downs on some toys, which you'd think I'd be happy about, but *grumble grumble niggle niggle* had I known about this new event in the consumer calendar - mid-season sale in MARCH - I may have been savvy enough to save myself some POINTS on my card, because everything I have bought recently has now been reduced, meaning I could have had an extra - wait for it - £20 to spend off my Boots card points on things I may or may not have needed. It irritates me no end to know that fact, but I will finish this wailing and gnashing of teeth consoling myself with the knowledge that it is all from Allah and well, what to do.
Must make mental note, though, that along with January and Summer sales we have a half-term event between both events which means, at the last calculation there are now four major sales events in the year. Plus mid-mid term sales which some stores crack open every so often. Why doesn't everybody just make everything CHEAP and be done with it?!
Bought some new slip-on shoes for the summer as 1) I am fed up of having to bend over to put my shoes on as it HURTS now (plus when I visit people I find the experience of trying to get my shoes on whilst Boss tries to ram his head up my bum quite disconcerting), and 2) there is no two. They were over-priced at £5, and yes that's not a lot of money in the scheme of things but a) I don't have it and b) they are really only worth, by a quick evaluation of the craftmanship, about 75p. So... *grumble grumble*.
Got Boss a new bubble-blower from ELC (Boots) as they are reduced and, well, I like bubbles. Dunno how long this one will last either.... I wish ELC would open a proper store in P'b. I think we ought to campaign for one, actually.
Saw the two new baby twins next door today. Aw... teeny tiny. Bless them. Masha'allah. Currently there are four adults and an older child to dote over their every move and the only sound I have heard out of them since they returned from the hospital is a squeak before someone pounces on them quickly shoving something in their gob. She is breastfeeding so hats off to her - I couldn't do it. Unless Aunty K got that big book out again and tried to make me read it *hides under the duvet...."not reading, Miss"*.
But the best part of today is the fact that we spent no time whatsoever indoors. :))))) meaning I didn't have to see how dirty my house was. All round bonus!!
hmmmmm, but the best friends guides are the closest to reality, and i think most people enjoy them very much.
there has to be a grain of truth and hint of the mundane to get through something - i found very little in mitten strings, and prefer everyday blessings, for more acknowledgement of genuine feeling. it's not the practicality which is always overlooked, it's how it actually feels to be doing this work, particularly in a society that knocks you for it - when you have a socially unacceptable number of children the looks and comments are terribly disheartenening,
5 yr old'what did they say mummy?'
me 'ooooooo, nothing interesting darling!!!!!!!!!'
anyway, spring is sprung and all that is very nice masha'Allah
i forgot you don't like books! sorry.
can i post a helpline number through her door?lol.
just want to reiterate that i don't care what anyone feeds their children, but i will tell them that it is no good if i have evidence to that effect!!!!!!!!!
and yes, i have bottle fed, i have had problems with b'feeding, etc etc in case anyone wants to pick a fight
Khadijah no one is going to pick a fight with you as you sound like you've had a bad day :P
Bottle milk may be no good, but then so is half the stuff we eat these days anyway. I reserve the right when my child is eating solid food to wean it off my breastmilk too. Trouble is there is a lot of social stigma to bottle-feeding children these days that you almost feel headlocked into breastfeeding, which for many is a miserable experience and one which is compounded by a thousand earth-mothers telling you how wonderful the whole thing was for them and how you're going to hell in a pit of snakes for not doing it. I found breast-feeding truly encumbersome and I only did it because I felt morally obliged to. I am glad Boss weaned himself when he did (but not the method as it really hurt when he bit me!!). I was bottle fed and so was an entire generation at one point; we didn't turn out too badly. You know, my arms and legs still move etc.
Regarding, pin wheels - which kid doesn't love them?? Playing with mummy is the best bit though :)
*Hyperventilates at the thought of a book/leaflet/any-printed-matter-whatsoever*
Yup. If you hear a "boing boing" noise whilst nearing the house that'll be the guard Boy getting excited.
We all online right now then???
this is to no one in particular, but i think bottle feeding is just a product of
1. lack of trust in Allah, people think that what comes synthetically must be better than the 'real thing'(more amongst non believers)
2.selfishness, that our body and lives belong to us, and we should be able to revolve our world around that
3.consumerism - formula is a total con, and causing MASSIVE problems around the world, so that many infants and children do not have food in crisis situations.
what happened to wet nurses if there is a genuine reason not to breastfeed your own child?
i am not taking the position that i would never bottle feed again, since i do not know what tests will come my way, but it would be with knowledge this time rather than ignorance.
AND how many people breastfeed for more than 6 weeks - the figures are totally appauling.
actually, most people get home from the hospital and start bottle feeding if the midwives haven't already got them on formula before they leave.
shall i go on about the immediate health risks, let alone the long term........???????
there are very real health risks with bottle feeding.
i also want to make a point of acknowledgement that there are many women who struggle with b'feeding after abuse, but this is also something that can be worked through, it just takes a lot of courage.....
like operations, disabilities, tandem feeding, etc.....
actually, moral obligations are not bad things, they tend to keep communities running
Somebody did call me selfish when they found out I was bottle-feeding Boss, actually. Formula is a total con but where do you find 24 hour wet nurses in P'b then?? I think we have to acknowledge that there are people who genuinely do not think like we do out there - in your eyes they may be selfish and ammoral, but that's just the product of being free individuals in a pluralistic society isn't it? I personally find it distainful to have complete strangers telling me I'm being selfish simply because I don't think like they do, nor do I like being told that just because I don't own my body that I have no rights to make decisions about the way I use it. Anyone would think that bottle-feeding mothers are monsters, but in my experience mothers love their children every bit as much as the "good" earth-mothers out there.
Well i think we should bring back wet nurses its about the only job i could get.But i will warn you all it has side effects of madness..lol
Well i think we should bring back wet nurses its about the only job i could get.But i will warn you all it has side effects of madness..lol
Well i think we should bring back wet nurses its about the only job i could get.But i will warn you all it has side effects of madness..lol
Well i think we should bring back wet nurses its about the only job i could get.But i will warn you all it has side effects of madness..lol
And talking of moral obligations keeping the community running, I could think of ten moral obligations that are fard on all Muslims right now but I'd be stumped to name even one of us who actually fulfills any of these particular obligations unless it suits them. So why is it when women want to make a decision about how they feed their children all of a sudden we get the guilt trip?? This would dead issues if men were left to make them.
well that idea has been thrashed about then. i'll give the milk pads to h.o. and try not to mention it again.
i will always retreat into a corner from you deb - you used to be my teacher. aaah.
and i will buy you new bottles for your baby insha'Allah if that's what you choose...
love and salaam
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