That's better...
... food makes such a difference.
Right. So what today then. Went to Ferry Meadows with enraptured Boss, Aunty H, B and A. Would have been nicer yesterday with spring sunshine, but still I enjoyed it. Jzks for that :) Boss very much a fan of B - this evening he did his LeapPad and sounded out some numbers 1-5 and did a number game. Then he said proudly, "I know my numbers now", and of course I said "Do you darling? Masha'allah", "Yes. B not know her numbers", and I said "Oh I think she does, B is a big girl", "I big as well. I know my letters. B know her letters??", "Yes she knows lots of letters"... "I know my letters as well - I big *stands on tip-toes*". Aw... then he told his Dad nonchalantly that he knew his numbers and bristled with pride at the "awwwwwwwww..." reaction. Aw... I love it when kids try to act all grown-up - turns me to butter...
Anyway, the tantrum-type thing is very much related to not being "heard" as well as fatigue/food related. Got to a point this evening when it got a bit stressed and he started shouting and I just talked over him, and he just burst into tears. Aw. So I hugged him and said calmly, "M, Mummy listens to you; I listen to everthing you say", and he instantly calmed down. His Dad was trying to do the usual over-the-top distraction moves and make more noise than Boss in the attempt of making Boss forget his strop, but he has moved on from that stage and now his frustration is real. Boss got quite angry with his Dad and told him to "Shush! You don't listen! Not YOU now!", so will have to tell Hubby to can it when he gets like that. It's funny how somehow you know what's eating away at your kids by just picking up the subtlest of clues. Always makes me wonder how parents who put their kids into schooling expect the same level of understanding and responsiveness from a teacher-bot who is paid to spew nonsense and has no real interest in whether your child actually lives or dies seeing as they are paid by the month... how can a stranger who has 30 kids to "educate" pick up on all 30 subtle messages from the class?? Obviously a child in a herd cannot be tended to in the same way as a parent can tend to their own.
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