Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I can't HE

I just can't do it. I want to. But I just can't.


At 7:45 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes thats OK for you to say - you are a brilliant HE-er who does stuff with her kids.... *Hyperventilates*

At 9:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think everyone has their 'omi god I'm never going to be able to HE' type freakouts.
Go and reread all John Taylor Gatto's stuff and realise he is 'learning by being'.

And if it makes you feel any better I am currently not even having that particular HE freakout....more of a 'will I ever get to give my children my undivided attention?' type freakout as I bounce between feeding, cleaning (well, more damage control really),feeding cooking, feeding and then.....oh yeah the kids look bored what can I do with them that involes only my partial participation....oh nothing GREAT. AARRGGGHHH.

At 9:44 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I just don't think he will ever learn anything will me around. State education has made me way too dumb. And I hate books.

At 7:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you hate books?....you just wrote one!!

You are not dumb, anyone who realises what state education has done to them has enough between the ears to make sure it doesn't happen to their own children.

You coming A.W on fri?


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