The maternity unit rang...
... and conversation ran something like this:
Midwife: Hi, Debbie. Where are you - we were expecting you to ring this morning.
Me: I was hiding.
MW: OK, well if you could come in for your inducement to labour...
Me: No.
MW: OK, well when would you like to come in...
Me: Never. I'm alright so I'm not going to bother
MW: OK, well I'll have to ask the sister *mumbles in background about the lady who didn't show up* ... OK, she says if you feel OK and you don't want to be induced that's fine but you'll need to come in today to be monitored...
Me: No, I don't want to do that either actually...
MW: OK, well let me just ask the sister... *Mumble mumble* OK, she says that's fine but if you could perhaps ring the ADU tomorrow because we'd like to monitor the baby...
Me: We'll see - thanks for your help. BYE.
... So, how did I do, Merry?? :P
About time one of us stood up to PMU - Go on Debbie, i would've been too chicken to do that! Allah will get the baby out when He feels is right... don't forget baby's birth was written 500 000 yrs BEFORE creation, Subhanallah what then are we worried about!
I only did it cos Merry told me to....
Also, Kdja said something very wise to me when I was sobbing in the heat when preggers with A (yes that heatwave year Maryam and Zainab were with me on this one!) that this heat is awful for a baby to be in (S is not coping with it at all...very sweaty unhappy baby). By the time A was born the heatwave had broken....I hear we're in for thunder on Friday and Sat will be much cooler. Here's making dua for you XXX
I wish I had known Merry when I had my 2 - Wish she'd told ME what to do! Alhamdulillah, all worked out well in the end, although i still get a lump in my throat when i think about my firstborn's birth and the way in which the midwives were!
Sabr Debbie not long now Inshallah x
I wanted them to gat Junayd out ,knowing that he was growing daily was a bigger concern for me.Rightly so i think.But they could not offer me a bed after 13 days overdue and i was too chicken to push for it.Glad now that i went into labour naturally.Hampton always did the trick,go shopping but no insulting the passers and salams Maryam.
Still here. Too hormonal to be any use to anyone. Really starting to hate everything right now
Congratulations Deb,love and salam to you all...please can i come and meet the little fella..Wa salam,Maryam
you've had the baby then? Alhamdulillah, subhana'allah. I am so happy for you :)
May this little one be the source of peace and mercy for you all. Ameen.
Love you lots.
Hanaa and Jenny
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