Thursday, August 04, 2005

Me: M, when you're looking out of the window and people wave at you from their cars, wave back - it's nice

Boss: *silence*

Me: And when people say "hello" to you, answer them "hello" back. It's nice.

Boss: *silence*

Me: Don't ignore people

B: *silence*

Me: It's not nice

B: *silence*

Me: Are you ignoring me?

B: Yes

Me: Well, don't. I'm not ignorable.

B: But Mummy - I can't wave back.

Me: Why not?

B: I'm too busy looking at the badges of the cars...

Boys... *rolls eyes*


At 12:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess you are all ok then masha'Allah !?!

At 6:05 pm, Blogger أبو سنان said...

Nice Blog. I am a white male convert to Islam. It is great to see more of us blogging out there!

Allah Ma3aki!


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