Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lurgy update

I have stopped weeping but am dosed up on flu-strength Lemsip. Husband making me feel like Genghis Khan for inflicting such large doses of paracetamol and decongestant on the unborn. Wanna take over tomorrow then while I lie in bed and snivel all day?? No?? Shut up then.
Boss coughed through the night from 3am onwards and I felt so sorry for him that even though he didn't yell for me I went in anyway and tried to sort him out. He said, "But Mummy, I didn't ask for you", like I was room service or something. I said, "I know darling but I love you and want to make you better". So he snuffled down while I fussed. Then I think he got a little tired of the fussing and just went, "Yes, Mummy, I will do dat, I will keep warm..." trying not to sound irritated at my love... ho-hum.

Then I went back to bed and promptly started coughing. I'm beginning to wonder if it's not flu that I've got but sympathy lurgy?? Would be just my luck.

Right. Well today is one of those days I'm thinking about education again. I go through phases - I panic at either end of the spectrum - sometimes when we are too rigid then at others when all we are doing is assing about. He's too young for much structure but he does like designated work. 5 minutes a day is good so far.
Am trying to get him to recognise numerals but he just sees them as nouns, but at least he started to become aware of them in the environment and will excitedly call me if he sees a number we have covered, even if he doesn't know it (everything is "six" at the moment, or "khamsa"). He can count up to ten, but I'm not sure if he can count things or is just remembering the sequencing. He definitely can count up to 3 or 4 when he has that many things around him. I want to teach him up to 20 as he's started to do this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 6, 7, 8, khamsa!... so clearly wanting some new words there... caught him saying 12, 13, 14 the other day so I'll just plod away. Insha'allah.

Need to clean stuff which got heavily neglected yesterday but my head tells me I need to just bond with Boss today. Better go then!


At 12:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aparently their imagination is at such a high level that if you do too much structure then you will take away this innocence and they will excel horizontally but not vertically...(the genius of play)made me feel much more relaxed about both girls...lmm

At 5:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok got the horizontal and vertical learning the wrong way round...not sure if my brain actually works in any direction anymore...I will quite understand if you block my coments..lol...


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