Thursday, March 03, 2005


Feeling a tad smacked in the face today - shell-shocked and dazed. Hoping that's a good sign, but more hopeful than assured. We have CABIN FEVER, cabin fever, cabin fever... and my darling husband has informed us (he has rheumatoid arthritis and is the human equivalent of a barometer - he's *never* wrong) that we have two more weeks of weather like this. Dunno if he means just cold, or damp, or snow or what. But sucky weather in general is on the cards. And we have CABIN FEVER. It's times like this I want to buckle and get a TV. If I could afford the protection raquet, er I mean "licencse fee" (yes, that's what I meant heh heh), I probably would just cave and get one... SIGH

Right new comment from that irritates me, still on the talking point thing from BBC yesterday:

What this young girl does not seem to realise is that she is being used as a pawn by fundamentalists. Many Muslim women escape from certain countries because they are oppressed and made to cover themselves up. They come to the west for freedom. Nothing in the Koran is written that forces a woman to cover herself. This is just another measure of men degrading women. This young girl has opened up a can of worms.
Annie, Switzerland/ex UK

I am trying to think of something to say that doesn't involve a swear word. Thankyou for trying to forcibly liberate us oh great white lady. But as your knowledge of sociology is as great as your knowledge of Qur'an (ie. you know zip) then I'll just say this: as a small observation, whenever men have gotten their way with women it has always resulted in the removal of women's clothing and pornographication of the woman's body. No man would compel a woman to wear more clothes; no man wants to see a woman walking like the Virgin Mary. No man wants to respect a woman's body. How odd it is and how far gone are we that a woman who wants to reclaim her purity and walk a dignified life is seen as degraded and yolked, whilst her Western female counterparts who dress to please men and by doing so they don't wear all too much, are seen as the liberated ones?!

How sad that people can see a covered woman as degrading. *Shakes head* If you want to see real degradation of women then go into WHSmiths and take a look at any magazine cover - that, IMHO, is degrading.


At 6:20 pm, Blogger Allie said...

Hi! Interesting blog - I followed a link from another muddlepuddler. Good to read some strongly held opinions.

Personally I don't think anything is oppressive if the person wearing it chooses to wear it - what is oppressive is choosing someone else's clothing. Unfortunately I extend this right to my kids who have been known to go out in swimming costumes with tights, masks, or full batman attire.

Mind you that doesn't mean I never have an opinion. If I see one more teenage girl with bare midrif in the snow I shall have to start carrying a spare jumper to offer.

At 6:29 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I get worked up on this point a lot. But interestingly its always the non-Muslims who defend the Muslim position whilst other Muslims are afraid to! Hm.

Bare midrifs - tame compared to what *I* used to wear - teenagers: they aim to shock!


At 6:51 pm, Blogger Allie said...

I don't think they are trying to shock - it seems to be pretty much mainstream garb for young women these days - where I work anyway.

I'm not worried about their morals - just hypothermia! Another of those 'turning into my mother' moments.

At 6:58 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, you know you are getting old when you look at people in the street who aren't wearing a hat and want to tell them, "You're gonna catch your death like that!"... have to shake myself out of it... :P

At 7:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can we have a 'funny things people have said to me' section - would love to add to it, but i know it's not my blog, sorry!
(tell me if i can though!!!!!!)

At 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think i can remeber being called something like..."mass murderer" once, Highly amusing as all i was doing was strolling through town with my baby daughter in a buggie! Oh and there's the ever so original NINJA which i was once yelled at by a guy going round a roundabout as i waited to pull out!!!

At 8:41 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

You are really making the niqab endearing to us, Zainab... :|
I've never had any funny comments apart from the time I was training to be a teacher at Deacon's with Fatima and the receptionist took one look at me and whispered, "you know, just because she wears it doesn't mean *you* have to, you know". Ah... and there's me thinking clothe on my nut was going to help me pass my PGCE *rolls eyes*

At 9:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was called a 'sex toy' today in queensgate which was a bit shocking really! Beats being called a NINJA eh!


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