Saturday, January 28, 2006

Castles and Knights

and things like that. Don't know if its very Waldorf but we seem to be having a Knights and Castles theme here triggered by Nasira's castle project. After finding a good book on castles Boss was interested, my interest was piqued and all of a sudden I'm finding knights and castles every-goddam-where. Bought him some Papo knights for Eid and safe to say since we have learned that Knights killed people for a living and didn't get told off for it, they are our heroes. Ties in nicely with fairy-tale and lots of mythology too. Want some good King Arthur stories for kids in hard-copy soon.

Anyway. Jousting. We like that too. You get to hurt people in a legitimate manner. If you too have a child into all things medieval then this is what we like so far:

We like playing the Joust game
Knebworth is having a jousting tournament on 16th and 17th April click here
Whilst Blenheim Palace are staging another Jousting Tournament by "The Knights of Royal England" click here
Want to visit THIS too.

Does anyone know if Castle Rising "does stuff"?


At 10:44 pm, Blogger shukr said...

ooo, better get driving and then we will do tours of these places together? i want to do knights in an attempt to put their enthusiasm for fighting to good use!?! if that's possible.

then we make swords insha'Allah!

At 10:45 pm, Blogger shukr said...

we must be on a close wave

At 11:16 am, Blogger Unknown said...

I was thinking about Leeds actually. Would love to get up there again. LOL about grim reaper.

Does Castle Rising have an events listing anywhere?

No Merry didn't find that! Oops. How could I forget to scour *your* stuff before wasting my time on the big wide web! Excellent resources as usual. Big thankyou for that :)

OOh Belvoir have jousting as well... and archery things... hmm... lovely jubbly.


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