Sunday, January 29, 2006


I just had a rather odd memory and thought I'd share.

You know that hymn "Dance dance wherever you may be, I am the Lord of the Dance, said He"? Well we used to sing that a LOT at school. In fact it was at school that I learned that the word "Jesus" wasn't a swear word and that he was a bloke who did something good. Bit fuzzy on the detail. I think the school assumed we knew the story and parents assumed I knew the story and parents didn't care or believe and the school were just getting through their assemblies the only way they knew how. So I am four years old, plonked in a room full of kids I don't know and I don't understand why I am there or when I can just go home and run around the estate with my brother with the sun shining, and I'm learning about a bloke called Jesus. I knew he had a beard and wore long white robes. I knew he wore sandals. But I never knew he danced around settees. Which is what I thought the song said. And I used to sing my little heart out imagining a toga-clad hippy run around a settee with his twelve mates pretty much like we used to play musical chairs.

No body ever told me I was wrong.



At 12:29 pm, Blogger Jax Blunt said...

Sounds good to me...

At 2:51 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

You had hand movements for cum by ya?? How? We asked our teacher once what it meant and received a long and meaningless answer. Can't remember what it was now but I remember we never asked him many questions after that...

If I had a hammer was actually a slave song sung by the African americans describing their arrival on ships (they were chained lying down all the way to the USA). I think that's what it meant. About liberty etc. I liked that one too. No hand movements. Obviously our school sucked. Hand movements were deemed a form of figeting and punishable by firing squad out the back playground at high noon.

At 6:24 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

We had a Welsh teacher for a while and the entire year was devoted to anything and everything to do with Wales - learned all the hymns in Welsh. Made *much* more sense. We got a bit fed up when *we* had to celebrate Patron Saint of Wales day dressed up in those really funny black hats. And his wife came in with *her* accordian and made us all praise the Lord all morning. In Welsh. :|

And before you ask, no, not a word.

At 7:59 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Ek don't ask me - I just work here

At 11:08 pm, Blogger shukr said...

roflol - can't say anything more!


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