No More Mr Nice Blog
A problem shared is a probelm halved... so is your problem *really* your problem, or just half of somebody elses? Take a pew...
A problem shared is a probelm halved... so is your problem *really* your problem, or just half of somebody elses? Take a pew...
Just enjoyed reading through your blog... wish I was as calm... Ta very's taught me some stuff I needed to learn but didn't know I did...I'll pop back again if that's ok....
Four Dinners
Thats OK. Calm? ME?? Are you SURE??? Never been called that before. Anti Depressants must be kicking in after all. Don't you just love the NHS?
My verification for this blog entry is joxdsc. What image does that conjur up??
Well you seem kinda calm to me anyway....
Anyone with Homer for their head's ok by me....
Islam seems unintelligible but think I see more how it should be on this blog....a little
Never hurt to understand...or try
(Glad to see you were a punk once)
ALL the best people were punks once.
Look at Einstein for example. No one has hair like that unless they have serious issues with The Establishment....
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