No More Mr Nice Blog
A problem shared is a probelm halved... so is your problem *really* your problem, or just half of somebody elses? Take a pew...
A problem shared is a probelm halved... so is your problem *really* your problem, or just half of somebody elses? Take a pew...
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those babies r so funny
That's set me up for the day, that has! Absolutely priceless. Thanks for sharing the laugh :-)
Shocked!! I can't believe someone can do this to the face of a child! For one thing I'd be gutted if I found my childs face circulating the net as the source of other peoples amusement! And for another I'd be gutted if I grew up and found my parents had actually given permission for this to be done. Why deface a child as an outlet for creativity? I don't get it PMSL. And why assume it's OK when the child is too young to give permission for this kind of *fun* himself?
I see where lindsey's comin' from. You have to be a bit careful with kid's n't net for obvious reasons but I think in this case assumin' the baby grows up with a sense of humour he/she'll crack up if they're shown it. Gene n Shrek are particularly brill.
Ta f't link D. LOL as they say!
Yes I can see how some people would be offended at seeing a cute baby on the internet being made to look like an idiot, but if that was my picture and I was looking at it as an adult I would be PMSRFLMAO. But then I don't really have much of a chip about humour or laughing at myself (hey, with hips like mine you have to have a sense of humour...)
That is hilarious, somebody had a lot of fun with photoshop.
Nah. I don't get it. I really don't. I was shocked by it actually.. I have had this argument with my big bro already cos he kept sending me things he found off the internet that he found + thought were amusing,,and I just did not get them. I was shocked and offended and confused by most of them. He was really hurt when i asked him to stop cos he (and apparently everyone he knew EXCEPT me) all agreed they were hilarious. Nobody can explain it to me..but I gotta tell you..those pics were funny-peculiar and not funny-ha!ha! But I know for a fact if I send them to my bro he'll keel over laughing! Still, please don't no-one get the was also a good one to think about..I mean we've all got different senses of humour as well!!! But I will go back now and try to see what is funny cos I'd really like to be in on it somehow...x
I think it is the juxtaposition of something cute and innocent and little with images of horror and grrr and the adult world. Plus the expression on the baby is funny. I mean if you analyse it it just isn't frigging funny, no. I think the humour comes from the unexpected nature of it. But I've stopped laughing now.
That was cool.
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