Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm sorry

I'm going to delete this blog.


At 2:39 pm, Blogger J Lev said...

Salam Alaykum

That's so sad. I've been your blurker since a long time ago, and i've really benefited from your HE ideas. I admit that i didnt know what HE'ing was all about until i started reading your blog. You've really given me some encouragement to try it out.

Just a tip, if you press the "Delete this blog" button, someone could immediately take over your URL and use it for their own purposes...

Thanks for sharing your blog. I'll really miss it. :( :(


At 5:06 pm, Blogger Clare Kirkpatrick said...

Oh what a shame! I've really enjoyed reading your blog, although I know I haven't commented much. Still, you need to do what's right for you and your family - hope that deleting it makes things more peaceful for you.


At 6:50 pm, Blogger Elderfaery said...

No chuffin way, matey. Whass appenin? At least let me get your email details down first. We love ya babe! But then it this kind of attention that's getting too much?

At 7:24 pm, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Don't go Debs.

You must like bloggin or you'd have never done it this long. Sometimes its fun, sometimes serious sometimes therapeutic.

You're not just teachin' Boss n Jaws you're teachin people like me about a whole different way of life whether it's home schoolin' or Islam.

Islam's a bit of a mystery to the likes of me n most I get to hear is on TV or the papers n we all know were that goes.

I'm still prone to say the wrong thing through ignorance but I'm learnin' n likin' it.

If you really mean to go I'll miss you n so will loads of others.

Change yer mind or, if not, take care n have a great life babe.

Neil x

At 7:24 pm, Blogger Jax Blunt said...

I personally would miss your blog greatly, and the blogring as a whole would be a poorer place without it.

But you must do what is best for you.

At 7:33 pm, Blogger Elderfaery said...

From Meadow:i cant belive that your deleting
your blog. i just love what you
rite, and i think it is one of the
best blogs in the world.... i would
have loved to have a blog but elderfairy says that "you have to be 15 years old to have a blog, your to young." eeeeerrrrghhh!!!
she's always like that.

At 7:33 pm, Blogger Rossi said...

You have to carry on. You can't just throw in the towel on life and walk away. It's not that easy. Normal service hides so many things for all of us including the totall dispair that is so often my own life.

I know little obout you or your life. You chosen path or the troubles you face. You know less about me as my blog isn't available for public viewing. But I am a woman, a shared soul, we have different faiths and some different views on the world we share but a common bond. We are humans and as such, I care.

At 7:36 pm, Blogger Elderfaery said...

I don't mind Meadow reading your blog cos it has no swearings in it (unlike mine)!!! The little whippersnapper snook her comment in while me back wuz turned. Can you feel us all holding onto your ankles? But again you have to do what you have to do. I can tell this is gonna be a long night.

At 8:59 pm, Blogger dottyspots said...

Deb - please don't delete your blog. It really is an inspiring read! Maybe take a break for a bit to re-gather strength?

At 9:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont go unless u really have 2

At 11:00 pm, Blogger Heidi Grether said...

I would really miss you. You are a kind dear soul who has expanded my boundaries and given me appreciation for your faith and your humanness. You have a lot to give.

What is happening? Hope life is not just too hard, cruel or unkind to you right now.

If you have to go, please stop by and say goodbye. Sure hate to lose you in blogland. You are a warm cup of tea in the chill of life.

At 11:03 pm, Blogger tideliar said...

Don't delete. Just take a break. We'll here for you when you're ready to come back.

If you do delete, then peace be upon you wherever you go next. Save your posts as files somewhere. Don't forget the past; it helps define your future.


At 12:52 am, Blogger Muslim4Allah said...

asalaam alaikum wr wb we all want it so dont please dont delete it stay cool things will be ok good luck it is very informative keep it have a few days off nag them u ll be back xxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 1:08 am, Blogger ldbug said...

Blogging is such a great theraputic way to get out all those thoughts that pull you down from time to time. Don't give up on it, you have a great voice, we all want to keep hearing it!

As to the 'death' blog, the only response I can give is a quote from a movie, "someone once told me that death stalked us all our lives and there was no way to escape. I prefer to believe that death is a companion in life reminding us that every moment,is precious because, it'll never come again."

Please don't go!!!!!!!! blog on, my friend, blog on

At 10:12 am, Blogger Elderfaery said...

Debbie's not going to reply you know. I reckon something major has happened..I think it is because someone close or meaningful has said that she shouldn't blog for moral reasons OR that it is because Debbie gives so much in the blogs that now it is time to just use the energy for herself and her family. Either reason is a good one to stop. My family have asked me on several occasions to stop..I just cannot just yet.

Whatever's happening, I'm putting up a memorial to Debbie's blog on my site cos even though I know she'll be around in the 'real' world, my only contact was through the cyber space..and in that does seem like Debbie has gone. OR this was just needed and then Debbie's gonna be back...and bigger than ever (no pun about the the way). D - if you are reading this..please forgive my rudeness discussing you like this. xxx

At 7:48 pm, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Have u really gone?



At 9:06 pm, Blogger sam said...

I have always enjoyed your blog-thank you. please come back when the time is right.

At 9:11 pm, Blogger Elderfaery said...

Who will carry the torch now? I'm having her template..who's 'avin the links??? (Thought I'd say deliberately provocative things in an attempt to get D out of hiding to berate me for my crassness). I'm going to open a blog on blog spot called where we can all collect and speculate on where she is and what she's doing. Next we'll all be seeing her writings in blueberry pies and pancakes like they do with Elvis. You got to admit though...we's all gonna have to stop clicking on her site soon...purely as a mark of respect for her decision...please come and let me know if Debbie does come back you think she knows how much we really care about her??? She's calling us 'nanas now I bet.

At 11:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish u peace

At 3:59 am, Blogger Heidi Grether said...

And I wish you peace, too, dear, dear D.

At 4:09 pm, Blogger dawniy. said...

Oh heck :(


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